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SpanishDict compare cuántos Cuántos vs Cuánto Compare Spanish Words Cuántos is a form of cuanto a pronoun which is often translated as as much as Cuánto is a form of cuánto an adjective which is often translated as how People also search for
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SpanishDict answers 157115 What 39 s the difference between quantas and quantos SpanishDict Feb 2 2012 The difference lies in the gender of the nouns that they modify en el idioma espanol cuantos lo usamos para el genero masculino y cuantas para femenino In the Spanish
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HiNative questions 23142169 What is the difference between cuantos and cuantas Cuantos Used with countable femenine nouns Cuántos focos tienen en su casa How many light bulbs do you have in your house Cuántas sillas se necesitan para la